Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies

Catherine Mack is the pseudonym for Catherine McKenzie a USA Today and Globe & Mail bestselling author of over a dozen novels. Her newest release Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies has a grocery sized list of accolades and a TV deal.  Summary of Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies Every […]

10 of my Favorite Young Adult Coming-of-Age Books

Coming of Age Novels | Reading Fangirl ebook on a phone

10 of My Favorite Coming of Age Young Adult Novels Welcome to our latest Show & Tell Book blog post! This one is dedicated to, as the title says, my favorite coming of age Young Adult novels. Now, there are a lot of books that could be added to this list, because there are a […]

Reading Percy Jackson for the First Time as an Adult

a picture of the Percy Jackson books on a bed with a green sweater and laptop

Did you grow up reading Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series? What about the Kane Chronicles or Lost Hero series? That was not my experience, so when Chantelle found out I hadn’t read any of the books yet, she was flabbergasted. It took almost a year of insistence but I finally started reading the series…only 18 […]

One of My Favorite Young Adult Series: His Fair Assassins

Grave Mercy Young Adult Book Review

If you’re looking for a new series to read, I highly recommend the His Fair Assassins trilogy. It’s probably one of my favorite young adult historical fiction fantasy romance books, simply because it has several bad-a** female characters, cute romances, and there’s something so charming about stories dealing with ancient gods and saints. Would you […]

A Book Review for the Classic Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury book review

Welcome, bookworms and literature enthusiasts, to another installment of our book blog! Did that sound as weird as I think it did? Probably… Anyway, today, we’re going to talk about the dystopian book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I will be honest and say that I found the plot very confusing for the majority of […]

Love at First Page: My Favorite Meet Cutes in Romance Books

My Favorite Meet Cutes blog banner

As an avid reader with a bookshelf dominated by romance novels (about 80% of my reads), I’m an unabashed fan of romantic comedies (rom-coms). If you’re a rom-com aficionado like me, the term “meet cute” likely rings familiar. It embodies that delightful, often quirky, and humorous first encounter between two characters destined for love in […]

A Guide to The Cheat Sheet by Sarah Adams

The Cheat Sheet book by Sarah Adams

Okay, I am dying of laughter over the fact that The Cheat Sheet is blowing up over on BookTok. Those two don’t go together at all in my head! Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. So, I decided to write a quick review/ things to keep in mind about this book before […]

Lovelight: Interconnected Small Town Romance Series

covers of B.K. Borison's series Lovelight

I was looking for a Christmas read and Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison was all over my Bookstagram and BookTok so, true to character, I went ahead and hit download in Kindle Unlimited. Also true to character, I read the other two books that have been published so far because of my compulsive need to […]