Book Adaptations

Let's talk about Book Adaptations

Book adaptations are a popular way of bringing books to life on the screen, whether it is a movie, a TV show, a web series, or a video game. They can be faithful to the original source material and create magic, or sometimes they can take creative liberties and add, change, or omit elements from the book. Whenever a book adaptation is made, there’s always a lot of pressure to make it similar to the book and satisfy the fans. This obviously doesn’t always happen. Here you’ll find a bunch of blogs highlighting our favorite book-to-screen adaptations, our least favorite book adaptations, or upcoming book adaptations we’re excited about! 

As always, follow along on our social media platforms (InstagramTikTokYouTube, or Pinterest) for other book adaptation news, lists, and bookish thoughts. 

a picture of the Percy Jackson books on a bed with a green sweater and laptop
Reading Percy Jackson for the First Time as an Adult
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All the Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See - Book Club Pick
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