Coming of Age Novels | Reading Fangirl ebook on a phone

10 of My Favorite Coming of Age Young Adult Novels

Welcome to our latest Show & Tell Book blog post! This one is dedicated to, as the title says, my favorite coming of age Young Adult novels.

Now, there are a lot of books that could be added to this list, because there are a lot of great coming-of-age novels out there; so it was something of a challenge to cut it to my absolute favorites. But I did, and I’m hoping y’all enjoy this list.

I love young adult fiction because it has a unique way of capturing the essence of growing up, exploring identity, and navigating the challenges of adolescence. They’re also a great way to analyze challenges that happen to everyone in a lighter manner than new adult or adult books.

So, let’s get to it, shall we?

10 of the Best Coming-of-Age YA Novels

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell:

The story revolves around Cath, an introverted college freshman and devoted fanfiction writer. As Cath navigates the challenges of a new environment, she finds solace in her online fandom community and the familiar world she has created. Through her experiences, friendships, and first love, Cath learns to embrace her own identity, step out of her comfort zone, and embrace the exhilarating and sometimes intimidating aspects of growing up. Fangirl explores the universal themes of finding one’s voice, facing new responsibilities, and learning to balance personal passions with the demands of adulthood.

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If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay follows Mia, a talented cellist, as she grapples with an unimaginable tragedy. Caught between life and death, Mia must decide whether to stay in a world forever changed or let go and embrace the unknown. As she reflects on her past and contemplates her future, Mia confronts profound questions about love, passion, and the pursuit of her dreams. Through her journey, she discovers the strength to face her fears, find her own voice, and navigate the complexities of adulthood.

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Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery

This timeless tale, set in the picturesque landscapes of Prince Edward Island, introduces readers to the spirited and imaginative Anne Shirley. As an orphan, Anne’s journey begins when she is mistakenly sent to live with Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, elderly siblings looking for a boy to help them on their farm. Anne’s vibrant personality, intellect, and ability to find beauty in the simplest of things inspire those around her and transform the lives of the Cuthberts and the entire Avonlea community. Through a series of misadvientures, heartfelt friendships, and moments of self-discovery, Anne navigates the challenges of growing up, forging her own path, and learning important life lessons along the way.

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Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson

Meet Amy, a young girl dealing with the aftermath of a family tragedy. As she embarks on a cross-country road trip with Roger, a family friend. As they traverse the country, Amy and Roger not only explore new destinations but also confront their fears, face their pasts, and redefine their futures. Through the ups and downs of their adventure, they learn to let go of the burdens holding them back and embrace the freedom and possibilities of the open road.

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Begin Again by Emma Lord

Begin Again tells the story of Andie Rose, who transfers from her local community college to the competitive Blue Ridge State College to follow in the footsteps of her mom, who died seven years ago. The book is filled with fun friendships, humor, a sweet romance, and loads of self-discovery. It’s a story about accepting the pain and beauty of starting over and learning to embrace life’s unexpected twists and turns.

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Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Little Women focuses on the lives of the four March sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy—and details their passage from childhood to womanhood. Set against the backdrop of the Civil War era, the novel beautifully captures the challenges, dreams, and growth of these remarkable young women. Each sister possesses her own unique personality and aspirations, and through their individual journeys, they learn important lessons about love, friendship, and the pursuit of their dreams. As they encounter hardships, make choices, and face the realities of life, the March sisters find strength and resilience within themselves, ultimately discovering their true identities and embracing the responsibilities and joys of womanhood.

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Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

The story revolves around Auden, a young woman who spends the summer before college in a beach town, seeking solace and escape from her own tumultuous life. As Auden immerses herself in the idyllic setting, she finds herself caught up in a world of nocturnal adventures, unexpected friendships, and romantic possibilities. Along the way, Auden learns to confront her past, embrace her true passions, and let go of the burden of perfectionism. Through her experiences, she discovers that life is not just about following the rules, but about taking risks, finding joy in the present, and learning to embrace her own authentic self.

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Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

Speak is a coming-of-age novel that delves into the painful journey of self-discovery and finding one’s voice. The story follows Melinda, a high school freshman who retreats into silence after a traumatic event. As she navigates the complexities of high school, Melinda grapples with feelings of isolation, fear, and the weight of a dark secret. Through her struggle to find her voice and break free from the suffocating silence, Melinda begins to confront her trauma and reclaim her sense of self.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

This book follows Charlie, a quiet and introspective high school freshman struggling to navigate the complexities of adolescence. Through a series of letters to an anonymous recipient, Charlie shares his experiences, joys, heartaches, and the challenges he faces as he tries to find his place in the world. As Charlie explores themes of friendship, love, mental health, and the search for personal identity, readers witness his gradual emergence from the sidelines and his gradual realization that he has the strength to face his past and shape his future.

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The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Meet Starr Carter, a young African-American girl who witnesses the fatal shooting of her unarmed friend by a police officer. As Starr grapples with the trauma and the weight of speaking her truth, she finds herself caught between two worlds—the impoverished neighborhood she calls home and the predominantly white prep school she attends. Through her journey, Starr confronts societal expectations, grapples with her own voice and activism, and navigates the challenges of adolescence.

check it out on Goodreads

Final Bookish Thoughts:

What are some of your favorite books when it comes to coming-of-age novels? I hope some of these books listed will make it to your tbr pile!

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